recipe card

Chocolate Eclair


Chocolate Eclair

Chocolate tart filling

  • For the dark chocolate filling :
    One bag of our frozen prepara on mix of dark chocolate filling

  • For the pate a
    choux :

    Pate a choux dough or frozen choux pastries

Chocolate Eclair

Chocolate Eclair


  1. Line a parchment paper on a baking sheet then place the frozen choux patries or form the mini eclairs with the pate a choux dough (using a piping bag).
    Bake them in the oven at 190°C until golden-brown (20 to 30 minutes).
    Once ready, transfer them to a rack and leave to cool.
  2. Place the bag of preparation in a fridge at +4°C (40°F) and leave it to defrost for 12 hours.
  3. Once defrosted, transfer 3/4 of the dark chocolate lling to a piping bag fitted with a 0.5cm thick tip.
  4. Pierce the underside of each baked choux pastries at least 2 times with the tip and gently stuff the filling into the eclair.
  5. For the glaze:
    Warm up the rest of the bag in the microwave at the temperature of 35°C (95°F) and pour into a big bowl.
  6. Dip the tops of the eclairs in the chocolate filling as a chocolate glaze.
  7. Put the dark chocolate eclairs in the fridge for 1 hour to solidify.

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