recipe card

Black Sesame Panna Cotta


Black Sesame Panna Cotta

panna cotta

  • For the Panna
    Cotta :

    1 bag of our frozen preparation mix of Panna Cotta

  • For the sesame preparation :
    5 to 6 teaspoons of black sesame seed powder

Black Sesame Panna Cotta

Black Sesame Panna Cotta


  1. Take the bag of panna cotta preparation mix and warm it up to around 70°C (160°F).
    Two easy ways to reach this temperature :
    - Microwave: Put directly the bag of the preparation mix (or pour the mix in a high container depending on your convenience) in the microwave for about 2 times 4 minutes at 600W. Turn over the pouch several times while warming.
    - “Bain-marie” or Double Boiler: Regulate water temperature at 70°C (160°F) and put the pouch in the water for about 40 minutes.
  2. Once the product is warmed to around 70°C (160°F), pour it into a mixing bowl.
  3. Put 5 teaspoons of black sesame seed powder to the preparation and mix it until the powder is dissolved.
  4. Once we obtain a uniform mixture, pour it in 10 verrines or any containers of your convenience.
  5. Place the verrines for at least 2 hours in the fridge to solidify.
  6. Dust evenly on top of each verrines with some black sesame seed powder.

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